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Update Member Information
The UGLS is APCUG’s member database. This information is used to help the public locate a user group in their area and send a message via the Group e-mail address. It is also used to send information and announcements to user group leaders. These names and e-mail addresses are for APCUG's use only; the information is not shared or sold.

  • Contact membership@apcug.org to obtain a Username and Password to access the UGLS. The e-mail should have the full name of your group and city & state where you are located.
  • If you have a Username and Password for the UGLS but have forgotten them, you can have them sent to the associated e-mail address by clicking on the Forgot Password link.
  • The Username and Password information is only given to your group’s President or designee responsible for updating the information.
  • Keeping your group’s information current helps APCUG to continue to provide outstanding benefits to its groups.
  • The Membership address is also where you can request help with updating your group’s information.

Click here for PDF instructions on how to add/change/remove information in your group's record.